Vedano Olona

Vedano is located on a terrace on the left bank of the Olona river, between two Roman roads: the Via Mediolanum-Bilitio, which led from Porta Giovia to Varese, and which had two points of contact with the Vedano area (at Cascina Ronco and Ponte di Vedano), and the Como-Varese, which passed through Binago, Concagno and Malnate.
At the end of the 19th century, Vedano also underwent industrial development: in 1873 there were two spinning mills and three factories along the Olona river. Its inhabitants, however, mainly worked in the factories of Varese and the Olona Valley. The Lozza-Ponte stop at Vedano was also in operation between 1915 and 1939, served by the Valmorea railway. Passenger traffic ceased in 1938 and it was closed down the following year. The old passenger building was demolished.
Postcard of Vedano Olona from the early 20th century Vedano Olona station during the Stazioni Fiorite (“Stations in Bloom”) contest, 1920s The station in 1971. Note the external waiting room in wood